Together Time Policies and Procedures
Welcome to our center.
We are so very happy to have you and your child with us! The following information is provided so we can provide your child with the best care possible.
1. FulI tuition payment is due each Monday morning for that week of care. A late fee of $5 per day wiII be assessed against unpaid tuition.
NO TUITION CREDIT IS ALLOWED FOR HOLIDAYS, SICK DAYS, OR PERSONAL VACATION DAYS. NO EXCEPTIONS ALLOWED. Any additional expense incurred by Together Time, Inc., in pursuing collection of past due bills, wilI be added to the bill and become the responsibility of the customer.
2. A change of clothes and a blanket or towel labeled with your child's name is required.
3. The Authorization to Dispense Medication form must be filled out and written instructions provided if medication is to be given to your child.
4. Health cards and immunization records are required and must be kept current.
5. Emergency names and numbers are vital. Please notify' us of any changes immediately.
6. It is our policy to use a short “time out' disciplinary method when a child needs to regain
control of his/her behavior.
7. To ensure the safety of our children, please always close the front door upon entering or leaving the center.
8. Parents are required to sign their children in and out each day upon arrival and dismissal.
9. If a child should become ill or injured at Together Time, the facility will:
(a) Contact the parent immediately.
(b) Contact the person(s) the parent has designated if the parent cannot be reached.
(c) Fill out an accident report requiring parent's
10. In emergency situations, should the facility be unable to reach parents and/or the parents' designees, the facility wiII contact the child's physician and/or arrange for immediate emergency treatment. Together Time will then authorize the administration of emergency medical treatment by physician and/or medical facility as necessary to ensure the health and safety of the child. PAYMENT FOR MEDICAL SERVICES RENDERED IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PARENT.